McCall's Does Steampunk Cosplay
When I Can Cosplay Again
I don’t usually cosplay, though if I had the money to attend conventions again and to put together costumes for my son and me, I certainly would. I’d love to cosplay Bodacious Creed! I could 3D print some of his items, like his mask and some of his steampunk machinery keeping him alive. Someday, I really have to do this. I’d also love to cosplay the ninth Doctor. I resemble him enough that it would work.
And you know what would make this all easier?
The McCall’s Cosplay Site
McCall’s now has a cosplay sewing site. The last time I did cosplay was as a Jedi, complete with a lightsaber I made myself and a Jedi outfit from a pattern that my mom was kind enough to sew for me. No, I don’t know how to sew, but I can always enlist (these days, I know that means “hire”) a friend to sew a costume for me, dollars permitting. I enjoy picking out the material, knowing that it’s going to be part of my custom-fitting, professional-looking costume.
The Steampunk Angle
So many of these costumes are just waiting for a steampunk tweak! The corsets section has looks that are great for Victorian or Wild West steampunk looks. B5265 is a Western frontierswoman outfit that would benefit well from some gadgetry.

In the dresses category, B5831 and others would also fit well into this time period.

M6795 in the Accessories section is for hats, belts, gloves, and boots that would enhance any late 19th century western outfit.

The Future
Hopefully, McCall's the site will continue to expand its selection. What it contains already, though, is enough to get an intrepid cosplayer started with snazzy new costume. To follow the site, check out the McCall’s Cosplayer Blog.
The first blog entry went up on Thurday, April 23, 2015, so if you're reading this blog the day I wrote it, you're probably ahead of all your cosplaying friends and rivals.