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Cosplay by McCall's: Calista Knight I & Carpathia

The Patterns

The year 2017 has come and is nearly gone! This is yet another one that both seems to have gone by quickly, and to have been incredibly long. On the world stage, this has not been the best year, and I hope 2018 is better. Personally, though, I've enjoyed sharing steampunk and writing related posts with you. I read a couple dozen books, and plan to read many more this year. My novel Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western came out in August and has been doing great. It now has 29 reviews on Amazon, all 4 and 5 star. I'm also doing research for the sequel.

One thing I love doing is sharing the latest Cosplay by McCall's patterns, and here are the final two for 2017.

Calista Knight I

This one surprised me as I read the package. Calista Knight I is a no-sew design. Made by becka noel for McCall's, you make it from a thermoplast material called Worbla's Finest Art. No-sew doesn't mean simple. This pattern will help you learn new cosplay-creation skills.

To make this Valkyrie/Amazonian-style breastplate and circlet combination, you'll need the aforementioned Worbla plus black lacing detail, black ribbon ties, a pen or marker, sharp scissors or a craft knife, a heat gun, heat-resistant gloves, plastic wrap, waxed paper or a heat resistant surface, olive oil, wooden clay sculpting tools, a bead roller for the detail trims, a leather hole punch, 220-400 grit sandpaper, a primer like Mod Podge, acrylic paint brushes or sponges, and flexible spray varnish.

To create a steampunk look, consider giving the pieces a brown, leather look rather than a metalic one, and add details like gears and connecting tubes. Goggles and leather gaultlets with gadgets embedded can complete the effect.

The Calista Knight I pattern sells on the Cosplay by McCall's site for just $9.95.


Carpathia, by Anachromism in Action, is also for neck and torso pieces. These would work well in a number of eras, though my mind quite naturally goes to Victorian times and the Wild West.

As shown on the packaging, the fabric designs you choose will go a long way toward making your finished cosplay your own.

For this waste cincher and neck corsets combination (yes, there are two neck corset styles), you'll want brocade, novelty fabrics, satin, twill or coutil lining, and sewn-in interfacint, plus a variety of notions, including corset lacing, grosgrain ribon, two-part eyelets, and more.

To fit this into the steampunk aesthetic, you can always add various costume pieces. You may also want to choose fabric with flowering, Victorian paterns for the fabric.

Carpathia sells for $15.95 and its difficulty level is listed as advanced.

Coming Soon

The audio book version of Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western is finished, and will be available shortly! The narrator, d golden, did a fantastic job. I'll write a post about it here and share it with my newsletter.

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