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Cosplay by McCall's: Calista Knight II & Stirling Regent

Brief Update

I know, I know! It's been more than two months since I wrote a post. That's unusual for me, but I've been especially busy. Here are a few of thing thing I've been doing, besides writing and parenting.

I'm ramping up to write the first draft of Bodacious Creed and the Frisco Syndicate, the sequel to my well-loved novel, Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western. I'm doing a lot of research into San Francisco in 1876. While I realize I can make changes, large and small, since this is my own alternate reality, I want to start with a solid understanding of the city at that time, and let me tell you, it was nuts. San Francisco is going to make a great setting for this novel.

In addition, just like I did for the first novel in this series, I plan to run a Kickstarter for Bodacious Creed and the Frisco Syndicate. I've been working on the video and script. I will let you all know when that's live! That'll probably be in about a month.

On April 15, I'm going to be a guest on a popular sci-fi podcast. I'll let everyone know when that happens. While on it I plan to mention the Kickstarter, and the audio book version of Bodacious Creed, now on Audible.

As you can see, it's been all about research and business. But yes, this blog is part of that business, too! I get to share so many cool things with you here. So, let's get to it.

The Patterns

This week, I have two new Cosplay by McCall's patterns to share, with ideas for how to throw on that steampunk flare.

Calista Knight II

Calista Knight II

Calista Knight I contains the no sew design for an Amazonian breastplate and circlet, but that's just the start of a complete cosplay. This addition, Calista Knight II, adds a left-shoulder pauldron (and you can reverse the pattern to make one for the right shoulder) and a horned headpiece.

As with Calista Knight I, you'll need some Worbla to craft these pieces, as well as a marking pen, sharp scissors or a craft knife, a heat gun, heat resistant gloves, and several more items. The package gives a comprehensive list.

Goggles, a leather-bound watch, metallic tubing or wires, and a brass highlights would give this a nice hint of steampunk.

The Calista Knight II pattern sells on the Cosplay by McCall's site for just $9.95, and was designed by Becka Noel.

Stirling Regent

This gorgeous dress looks like it came straight out of Alice and Wonderland. I can easily see the Red Queen wearing this. Few fictional places are more suited to the steampunk aesthetic than Wonderland.

Stirling Regent includes patterns for the top, skirt, and detachable collar. Keep in mind, this is an advanced level pattern, so if you're new to cosplay creation, you may want to get some assistance. Suggested fabrics include sequin, brocade, twill, novelty lace and fabrics, and tulle. It also calls for a variety of notions, including polyester boning, beaded trim, and more.

Adding some Victorian-style gadgets would ease this toward steampunk, but to start, you could look for flowers, beads, sequens, and jewels that say "retro-future." Miniture gears, or anything brass, will give it that feel.

Stirling Regent sells on the Cosplay by McCall's site for $15.95.

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