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Jonathan Fesmire and Bodacious Creed are One!

A What Happened to BodaciousCreed.Com?

I bought a Kindle book recently called Your First 1000 Copies by Tim Grahl. The title fit in perfectly with a goal I have for my first two novels, Children of Rhatlan and Tamshi's Imp, both of which I recently republished. I mean, perfectly. My initial goal for them is to sell 1,000 copies of each.

After I started reading it, I emailed Tim to ask him what he suggests I offer to people as incentive to join my mailing list. He didn't get back to me right away, so I thought about it and decided that, since I planned to send a list message each time I published a new blog post, I could write something extra for the mailing list subscribers only, generally an expansion on the blog topic of the day that readers would enjoy.

I wrote him on April 28, and heard back from him today. Six days... not bad! I'll get to what he suggested I offer in a bit. First, he suggested that I fold the Bodacious Creed site into the Jonathan Fesmire site.

More Work Now

I thought about what Tim wrote to me during the morning. The Creed site existed because other writers have suggested having a book site. Though I followed the advice, I often had a nagging voice in the back of my head saying, "Are you sure?"

Tim's company, Out:think, has helped many writers connect with their readers and sell more books. He said that for them, he recommends having one central site.

So, after I got home from work today, I spent a few hours consolidating information from to, copying the Bodacious Creed blog posts into the Jonathan Fesmire blog, and moving my Bodacious Creed newsletter subscribers to the Jonathan Fesmire newsletter.

That's right. I also had two newsletters. It all seems sillier and sillier by the minute.

Less Work Later

Now that I have that done, it will simply make things easier for me from now on. With one blog to update, one website to maintain, and one mailing list to share with, I can provide fun content for all of you and still have time to write my fiction. (And write for work. Have I mentioned that I'm a copywriter for a local startup? This is just what I do, and I love it.)

This consolidated blog is just my blog. As such, in it, I will write about my interests and my writing. Fortunately, those coincide quite a bit. Most of the posts will be related to writing and/or steampunk, with some fantasy, art, and 3D printing posts thrown in. Check out the main page of this blog to get an idea of all that covers.

So, here's a shout out to Tim Grahl for the suggestion. So far his book and his plan for growing and connecting with one's audience seem great. I recommend picking up Your First 1000 Copies, either for Kindle or in print.

A Future Offer

Oh, Tim's other suggestion. He thinks it would be a good idea for me to offer something like the first chapter of Bodacious Creed to subscribers. It's a great idea, and how about this: I will do that as soon as possible.

Maybe I'll even share the first two chapters.

I'm busy working on the first draft now, though, and I need to have that done before I can go back and revise the first chapters. Once I get to that point, I'll offer the preview to all current and new subscribers. Deal?

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