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Steampunk Cosplay Spotlight: Steamy Leia

Among female cosplayers, Princess Leia is probably one of the most popular costume choices. You can find convention pictures online with a dozen or more Slave Leia’s posing for one image. For a red-blooded American man who saw Return of the Jedi at the formative age of thirteen, such a gathering is awe-inspiring, so to speak. You might say, a turn-on. You might also say just fucking cool.

Here’s just one, borrowed from the Three Muses Blog.

Steamy Leia

Cosplayer Steamy Leia has a great steampunk twist on the costume. Hers is an extra-sexy version of the slave Leia outfit modified into something more adventure-ready, complete with goggles, steampunk pistols, and metallic fans on the goggles resembling Leia’s famous buns. (Hair buns, people.)

You can find more stunning pictures of her cosplay on her Facebook fan page, which currently has 886 likes. She deserves more! Considering though that her page went up on March 25, 2015, she’s doing very well. Head over and if you enjoy the page, which I think you will, give her a like.

Leia has also been featured in steampunk art along with some of her fellow Star Wars Steampunk cosplayers, including this airship painting.

I particularly like this one of Steamy Leia and Captain Solo Seekerman (a Steampunk Han Solo, I guess. Does anyone know? I haven't been able to dig up an answer yet.)

These two paintings are by Kansas Johnson and were used to promte the Star Wars Steampunk Universe Panel at the 2015 Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, California. I actually saw the above image first, then discovered that Steamy Leia is an actual cosplayer, then learned that the rest are as well.


I sent Steamy Leia a message about an hour ago asking for an interview. However, I wanted to get this blog post out today and to highlight her page. I have no idea how busy she is. Once I’m able to get an interview with her, I will share that in a follow-up blog post.

If you crave more of the same, check out the Star Wars Steampunk Realms site. On all these pages, you’ll find related convention photos and art with the various cosplayers.

This is just the first of my Steampunk Cosplay Spotlights! Future posts will feature both female and male cosplayers. I miss conventions, I miss going around in cosplay, and sharing the amazing cosplay of true artisans brings me a bit closer to the geek community I love so much.

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