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Steampunk Cosplay Spotlight: an Interview With Bonnie Elizabeth Scott

The Lovely and Crafty Bonnie Elizabeth Scott

Bonnie Elizabeth Scott and White Alchemy

Here we are with the second Steampunk Cosplay Spotlight, and you lucky readers get to learn all about the frabjous Bonnie Elizabeth Scott!

Bonnie is a costume designer who, in addition to creating her own cosplays, makes and sells custom pieces through her company White Alchemy.

While she does a variety of cosplay, most of her costumes are steampunk and often blend with fantasy or horror. On her Facebook fan page, you'll find pictures of her in her steampunk Iron Maiden costume, as her own version of steampunk Princess Leia, as a steampunk vampire, and as a steampunk elf, complete with mechanical wings. Oh, I shouldn't forget her creepy but awesome steampunk Chechire Cat! Like I said, frabjous!

Other steampunk cosplayers admire her skills, and she won Miss Steampunk at AetherCon 2013.

The Interview

Jonathan Fesmire: Who is Bonnie Elizabeth Scott? What would you like to tell us about yourself off the bat?

Bonnie Elizabeth Scott: Steampunk Elf with Mechanical Wings

Bonnie Elizabeth Scott: You'd think answering this question would be easy, but trying to sum up myself in a short answer is impossible. I can say I'm an artist to the core for one thing. Even when I'm not creating, I can't help but have all kinds of ideas rushing through my head about new innovations, fashion, fantasy worlds, or cosplay... I'll add kittens to that list because I'm kind of a non-crazy cat lady. (hehe) I'm very deep and love to talk about interesting subjects such astral projection, and spirituality, and then mix it with a very playful side that holds true to that love of a free spirit. So, to sum up what I can, I'm a artistic, magical, sword-fighting, Elven Queen. (Giggles to self while typing that last statement.)

JF: What do you like most about cosplay?

BES: What I like most about cosplay is the child-like pretending we can all experience no matter your age or size. If you want to be a Jedi one day, and a yellow Minion the next, go for it. It lets you live that dream for a short while, and it helps you find your strengths through characters you might not have the confidence to portray in everyday life.

JF: What do you like least?

BES: What I like least is that there is sometimes judgement from other cosplayers. Listen, we're all dressed in funny outfits, so be careful in which direction you point your finger. We should support each other.

JF: How long have you been cosplaying? How long have you been doing steampunk cosplay?

Bonnie Elizabeth Scott: Steampunk Iron Maiden

BES: It's funny, because I only recently in the last couple years considered myself a cosplayer even though I've loved dressing up since I was little. I just never put the label on it before. I've been doing steampunk cosplay for about seven years I think. Again, I was dressing up in things I didn't have a name for, so it sort of blurred together until I discovered there was a name for it.

JF: Your cosplay covers a variety of worlds, often mixed with steampunk. What sort of steampunk world would you like to live in?

BES: Oh, I most definitely would live in a fantasy steampunk world. I would mix it with adventures of far off places where the Victorian era meets cool innovations and discovers creatures and places of wonder. It's really the romance of it all that pulls me in.

JF: Who are your heroes, in cosplay or otherwise?

BES: Heh, I should have a list of names to spew out, but I don't. I'm terrible with names, and really, I am completely inspired by anyone that makes something interesting or unique. I love new spins on old ideas or characters, and craftsmanship counts a lot with the design element. I hope to be one of those people that inspires others to create and dream.

JF: What's the side of you that the public never sees?

BES: A side the public never sees is my nerdy side I guess. I don't claim to be a super nerd or anything, but when I create I'm not usually paying attention to how I look, which can mean I'm wearing something to the likes of fuzzy character print pants with an ironic t-shirt that doesn't match, no makeup, and glasses... all of which has some trace of cat fur. I tell you it's the magic in it all! I think a lot of my friends publicly see a more extroverted fun side, but I have about a 50/50 extroverted, introverted part to my personality. I enjoy my alone reflective time, either by myself or with one or two other people. A mocha and a great chat are the best along with sometimes an old fashioned period movie.

Bonnie Elizabeth Scott: Steampunk Chechire Cat

JF: A lot of today’s geekdom and cosplay fly in the face of “traditional” 1950s type values, which many may find romantic. However, there’s some romance to the greater social freedoms we enjoy today. In a sense, are we returning to a more romantic time?

BES: I don't really think we're returning to anything in that respect, but building our own new values of empowerment and self-confidence. In that context, I do believe it is romantic because it's the idea we can do and be anything we set our minds to. That wasn't so true in the 1950's. Race and gender played such a big part it kept people suppressed, and we've overcome a lot of that and don't have any intention of going back.

JF: If you were a man, whom would you like to cosplay? Alternately, what male characters would be great for a gender-bending cosplay?

BES: If I were a man I'd probably do some classic characters like Batman, a Jedi, or some mysterious kick-butt mercenary... oh, can't forget Thranduil! I think gender-bending cosplays are pretty cool, and I've seen many done very well. I have plans right now to start a Joker gender-bent cosplay, so that will be fun to work on and see what people think of my version. The only problem I see in male characters doing gender-bending is they would instantly become more sexual visually. I don't have a real problem with characters showing skin, but it would be nice if it wasn't so much, "women show skin, and men cover everything" all the time.

Bonnie Elizabeth Scott: Steampunk Princess Leia

JF: Besides steampunk, what are your other favorite speculative fiction genres and subgenres?

BES: Besides steampunk, Worlds such as Neverland, or Lord of the Rings are in my top list of favorites. Star Wars is a classic, although I don't know all the ins and outs of the universe yet. I'm in love with old fashioned things from Medieval and Renaissance to Rococo time periods. A good piratey swashbuckling genre is always fun too!.

JF: If they were making steampunk versions of classic films, what remake would you want to see?

Bonnie Elizabeth Scott Wins Miss Steampunk

BES: Hmm, I didn't think it would be so hard to come up with a film to steampunk since I say things like this all the time. When thinking of all the movies I love, I'd be afraid to see how they might be ruined by being remade. So with the big caveat of the movie still staying awesome, I'll just list some: Hook, Interview With the Vampire, Pride and Prejudice, and The Count of Monte Cristo.

JF: Who would you like to play in it?

BES: Well that's an easy question. Me! It may be a pipe dream, but if it's my creation, I can star in my own dream, right?

JF: Other than this interview, what's the stupidest thing you've ever agreed to do?

BES: I don't think this interview is stupid, but I can tell you the short version of what I felt was the most embarrassing thing which stemmed from agreeing to something.

Bonnie Elizabeth Scott: Mermaid Cosplay

When I was in the seventh grade there was a Halloween dance coming up and a few of us decided to dress up. I was thrilled as can be to think I had an excuse to play dress-up... little did I know, I was the only one who was going to show up in a costume. My mom dropped me off in my shiny new mermaid outfit including a sparkly seahorse tiara.

There was no going back after I went inside and I soon felt like I wanted to die. My "friends" betrayed me and I know laughed behind my back. Everyone was looking and laughing through the night. I'm not a crying type person, but I cried not too long after the name-calling started. The bathroom was no sanctuary, but it did lead to a couple nice girls lending me mundane clothes to change into. That didn't help much though, as the damage was already done.

I heard the next day that the kids were singing, "Under the Sea." I've always marched to my own drum, and I got over it. Partly because I embraced my talents and creativity, and partly because I look back and I'm proud of my seventh grade self for just doing it. Plus, success is sweet revenge! /wink

Bonnie Online

It's been fun conversing with Bonnie, and her enthusiasm for this interview meant a lot to me. She announced on her Facebook page, Bonnie Elizabeth Scott: Artist, "Someone wants to feature me in their blog! such warm fuzzies!" Of course I wanted to interview her. She's awesome!

Visit Bonnie Elizabeth Scott: Artist on Facebook, and like her page! Also, visit her website, White Alchemy, for more pictures and to order her custom costume pieces. Bonnie also keeps a blog about her cosplay and for-sale pieces, so be sure to visit White Alchemy: Mysteries of the Universe, Ramblings, and Art Schtuff.

Bonnie, it's been a pleasure getting to know you. Let's stay in touch!

What's Next?

Soon, I expect my blog to have its first guest post! I invited a steampunk author, whose novel has been getting terrific reviews on Amazon, to write a guest blog and tell us a bit about her book and it's upcoming sequel.

I'm considering adding an autoresponder to my mailing list that will get new subscribers up to date on my writing and what the blog is all about. However, I'm not sure what to include! If any of you have ideas, please let me know in the comments.

Also, if you have any questions for Bonnie stemming from this interview, please post them in the comments!

Mailing List

When I say there are extras in the mailing list, I mean it! My subscirbers knew before anyone else that I would be interviewing Bonnie. (Well, before anyone except Bonnie and me.) In today mailing list extra, I wrote a bit about the Tomorrowland preview being shown only in Disneyland, and I shared some photos I took at the exclusive Tomorrowland art exhibit next to Disneyland's store, Star Traders.

I'd still love to have all of you sign up for the list. It's there if you want more than I write in the blog!

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