deviantArtist Does Disney Steampunk
Everything needs a good steampunk version, and Disney can be combined with anything. They're like chocolate and peanut butter, sort of. Only better!
MechaniqueFairy's Disney Steampunk Art

Anyway, as both a steampunk and a huge Disneyphile, once I saw these on Facebook, I had to share them with all of you. Rather than refer you to another news or blog post, which is what I found at first, I tracked down the source of these images so you can see the entire gallery.
These beautiful images, with the iconic Disneyland Sleeping Beauty’s Castle image in the background, are the work of MechaniqueFairy on deviantArt Visit her Disney Steampunk gallery to see all 33 genre-mashed images.
Here's Elsa, blending her ice magic with steampunk fashion and sensibilities. I absolutely love Elsa, and I understand growing up with the idea that there might be something wrong with you only to find out later that you just might be extraordinary. I know a lot of people feel that way, which is part of what has made Frozen so popular.
Also, visit MecaniqueFairy’s main gallery page. You’ll find more art including steampunk Judge Dread and Cthulhu steampunk princess. There are a few other steampunk pictures, and a few other Disney images.

MechaniqueFairy is a artiste Québecoise. She has been a deviantArt member for three years, has had over 137,000 page views (no wonder!), has 83 deviations (images or pieces of art in dA parlance) and over 1,800 comments on her pages. She writes her on-site journal in both French and English
If you have a deviantArt account, add her to your watch list!
I recently asked three more steampunk cosplayers for interviews, and all three agreed. Look forward to those! I expect to publish one interview per week. So far, I have interviewed two amazing women of steampunk cosplay, Steamy Leia and Bonnie Elizabeth Scott.
There will be a related Disney steampunk bonus in the mailing list message when I send it out later today, so if you’d like to read that, you need to sign up. Every message to the mailing list contains something extra for subscribers only, and you’re welcome to be part of it.