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Disney Star Wars Princesses on deviantArt

Jedi, Sith, and More

This is one of my uncommon blog posts that has nothing to do with Steampunk, but that I'm sharing because it's cool. This is, what, the third deviantArt gallery spotlight I've written? And the others have featured steampunk Disney characters. I've also been covering a lot of Star Wars steampunk.

So, while this may not be steampunk, it's Disney and Star Wars. Sound redundant now that Disney owns Lucasfilm? Disney Star Wars Princesses. Yeah. Getting into the idea now, huh?

Pushfighter is the handle of the deviantArtist who created these gems. Or these Force crystals. Whatever floats your bongo, and you can them in his Disney Star Wars Princesses gallery. I'm going to share two here, but you can see all seven there.

First, because to so many, she's the favorite Disney princess, is Jedi Ariel!

She's under water, so a couple of questions come to mind. Is she befinned--yes, sometimes I use my knowledge of morphology to make up new words--under that long skirt? How are the lightsabers not boiling the water around her, or is that what the bubbles are? Or are they special lightsabers she made specifically to work in and out of water? I'm going with the latter. That would actually make for a really cool story. Oh, and that hair, reminiscent of Kit Fisto or Shak Ti's head tails, is a nice touch.

I really like the colors chosen, and the use of cartoon colors, meaning the way the colors are distinct with little blurring between shades. Nice lines, too, with Ariel's feminine curve in her pose and the flow of her hair in the water. It reminds me a bit of the Little Mermaid ride at Disney's California Adventure, Ariel's Undersea Adventure.

Next, we move onto a currently very popular Disney princess, actually the first to become a queen. I'm talking about Elsa, and instead of a Jedi, she's portrayed as a Sith. I'd like to think though that if there were a Star Wars adaptation of Frozen, Elsa would only by flirting with the Dark Side and would become a Jedi at the end. "Love, of course. Love."

First, her power: not Sith lightning, but Sith ice. Would that be a dark side power? Some Jedi are known to use Dark Side forces for good, most notably Mace Windu. (I admit, I'm not well versed in the EU enough to say if this is just an EU thing. It may have been very subtly implied in the prequel trilogy.)

Once again Pushfighterer uses bold cartoon coloring. With the more extreme contrast. The chiaroscuro may hint at the strugle in Elsa between the dark (turning away from her sister and kingdom) and the light (that she's actually a truly good, if wounded, person.)

Really, "bold" describes this picture well, and I keep wanting to use the word to describe every part of it. That pose especially! Just a lovely composition.

Head over to Pushfighterer's deviantArt gallery for even more Disney-inspired art!

Where Has Jonathan Been, and What's Next?

I've been moving! My son and I now live in Anaheim, California, and frankly, I really like it here. We're close to some cool stuff, like the Disneyland Resort, a huge comic book and collectible's shop, Phat Collectibles, and we're feeling more settled in every day. So, that's why, while I usually write two to three blog posts per week, this is the first since June 12. What's next is I'll be posting another Steampunk Cosplay Spotlight post! If you'd like to know more about the move and who I'm interviewing next, subscribe to the newsletter below!

Oh, and May the Fourth (of July) be with you! Happy Independence Day, America!

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