Survey for Steampunks & Other Readers

I’ve been thinking a lot about my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed. If you read this blog you know it’s a steampunk zombie western. The story started out as a 3D modeling project (my master’s thesis project, in fact) with a long and detailed blog (and this blog is a continuation of that one). It later became a (successful!) Kickstarter project to get fans involved in the novel based on the thesis, and now I’m busy writing the thing. You can read all about that though in the Bodacious Creed section of this website.
Specifically what’s been on my mind is what sort of extras I can offer fans: first my newsletter subscribers, then the general public. I have some ideas, and what to know what you all think. Please answer my survey here and respond in the comment section! I would like to use all these ideas, but want to know what my readers are most interested in.