Katharine Kerr's Deverry Shirts & Mugs

If you've browsed over this website, you know that I'm an artist as well as a writer. A little while ago I created this fantasy university logo for my friend and popular writer Katharine Kerr from her Deverry novels. These include the classic fantasy novels Daggerspell, Darkspell, and The Bristling Wood.
Her University of Aberwyn tee-shirts and mugs are now available! You can get them in a variety of colors. I especially like the coffee mug with a red rim and handle, matching the red of the logo. I'm a black-clothing kind of guy and also really like the black tees, though I think the red also looks fantastic.

Anyway, Katharine is really a remarkable lady, has always been a very good friend to my son and me, and is of course is a terrific writer. It was an honor to create this design for her, and I hope everyone enjoys it.
Feel free to talk about Katharine's books or these designs in the comment section!