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Steampunk'd: A Creative Tour de Force

So, have you watched Steampunk’d yet? This is the new reality show where 10 steampunk makers compete on a weekly basis. Like many reality shows, one person has to leave every week, and the last maker left wins $100,000.

Personally, I’m not a fan of most reality shows, but I do enjoy some that use the competition format. Another of my favorites has been So You Think You Can Dance, which showcases incredible talent every week.

Steampunk’d does the same. All 10 makers have some amazing skills, from creating steampunk clothing, to crafting armor, to making usable gadgets. Of course, that’s why each was chosen. They are among the very best.

Each week, they divide into two teams and design a different room that becomes part of a manor house. Each team designs the same type of room, and the winning room goes into the house. The first week, it was a steampunk kitchen. The second, it was a secret lair. They get to work with materials from what is called the Punkyard, which contains a lot of interesting antique-type items they can use to create whatever they can imagine.

Anyway, I’m not sure a blog post here can really do the series justice. It’s been a lot of fun to watch, and also inspiring. I think that just watching it has set my subconscious on a path of putting together elements from my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed: A Steampunk Zombie Western, because I’ve been coming up with a lot of details for the organizations in the Creedverse, various characters, and more. A lot of my ideas for this middle section of the novel are really coming together into some great scenes. Maybe it will inspire you, too!

So, check out the webpage for Steampunk’d on the GSN TVs site. There, you can learn about the various makers and watch their introductory videos. The show airs on Wednesday nights.

Upcoming interviews

I’ve already reached out to two of the Steampunk’d contestants and asked if they would like to be interviewed for this blog. Both said yes, so I’m excited to announce that soon, I’ll have a new interview feature: Steampunk Maker Spotlight. I plan to reach out to the others, one at a time, after these two interviews go live. Who have I reached out to so far? I’ll let that be a surprise.

However, if you want to know who I’ll be interviewing, now is the perfect time to sign up for my newsletter!

Newsletter Benefits

What do you get when you sign up for the newsletter? Well, this is how it works.

Every time I publish a new blog post, I send out an email to my mailing list/newsletter members. It has a little blurb about the new blog post, of course. It also includes something extra, from writing tips to new steampunk art. Most of the time, it’s related to the current blog post, but sometimes it’s something totally new. I always strive to make it interesting and entertaining.

I plan on giving away even more!

I recently held a poll asking readers of this blog what extras they would like to get with the newsletter. Feel free to answer the poll here! The possible extras include things like Creedverse short stories, the guns of the Creedverse, and more. As soon as time permits, I will be creating the extras and anyone who is subscribed newsletter already, or who subscribes in the future, will get to enjoy those freebies. In fact, in my mind. I have a Bodacious Creed related short story that I’ve been wanting to write for a while. It’s just a matter of making the time to do it.

So, since you’ve gotten this far, what he waiting for? The subscription box is below!

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