Bodacious & Sundry #2
Howdy, friends. I have some great things to share with this post, so let’s get to it!
The Creedverse Expands
I’m currently revising my first Creedverse short story! I plan for this to be one of several prequels to Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western, leading up to the novel’s release. It takes place six months before the book begins and introduces some important characters. It won’t be necessary to read the stories before reading the book, but those who do will have extra into the people, the technology, and the overall setting. Once I get through the first revision, I’ll be handing the story over to a team of beta readers for comments, then finishing the story up. This story (as yet untitled) and those that follow will be freebies for newsletter subscribers only, so I encourage you to sign up!
Virtual FantasyCon
As much as I love conventions I haven’t been able to go to one in years. However, I’m going to be a guest at an Internet-only convention, Virtual FantasyCon!
Running from November 1 to 8, much of this convention is happening on Facebook, but the panels will be live video. Since I’ve switched from the fantasy genre to the steampunk genre, I’ll be on panels for Steampunk Saturday.
Check out the pages and drop in for my panels. There’s a scavenger hunt and all sorts of fun things for participants. Read more in the announcement below, or click on the image for a larger version.
Project Spark Gets Serious

Project Spark is a combination game and game making platform by Microsoft for Windows 8.1 and above and Xbox One. It’s pretty fun, has a nice aesthetic, and users can create all manner of games. When Microsoft first released it players could use only a very small subset of the content and had to either pay for the rest or save tokens (which took forever) to unlock anything else. It was like that when I first tried it, and because of this, it became dull fast. However, on October 5 they made all content free to use! If you’d like to try your hand at a simple game creation engine, check it out. If I have the time (and that’s a big "if") I’d like to make a game to help kids with autism. I’d also throw some steampunk elements in there. You can download Project Spark for free in the Windows store.
If you haven’t already, get my best fantasy stories and my upcoming Creedverse tales. Just sign up for the newsletter. Thanks for visiting!