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A Bodacious Steampunk Day: Steve DeWinter Interviews Me!

This has been a fantastic day! I was interviewed by bestselling Amazon author Steve DeWinter for his Old Dog New Trx podcast, I went out and got a new webcam for my upcoming podcast series, and I wrote another 1,705 words of Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western. That’s on top of a solid day of writing for my full time copywriting job, going out to eat with my son, and getting him a toy he’s been asking for at Toys ‘R Us.

The Interview

My chat with Steve DeWinter was awesome. We had a lot of fun, and I got to share a lot about Bodacious Creed, my blog, my writing process, and lots more. It was truly a Mostly Steampunk Interview.

Watch it here, but also hit the YouTube button along the play bar to subscribe to Steve’s channel! He’s interviewed a lot of other speculative fiction writers. I will also interview Steve at some point, or in the very least have him as a guest on The Mostly Steampunk Podcast when I get that running, to talk about his many books, including his Steampunk Oz series.

I Hit a Milestone!

Yesterday, I passed 100,000 words in Bodacious Creed! NaNoWriMo is really giving me that extra push to get the first draft done this year, probably by the end of the month, and I hope to have it published by mid-2016 rather than all the way out in December 2016. Follow my NaNo progress on my NaNoWriMo author page, or just scroll down the sidebar on any of my blog entries to see the total word count.

If you are a NaNoWriMo author, feel free to add me as a buddy, and as always, feel free to comment below!

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