Bodacious & Sundry #14: "Book Launch Blueprint" Review

Based on the sheer number of Facebook and other groups where authors post advertisements for their books, it’s clear that book marketing is not an intuitive process. Fortunately, it’s one that can be learned. A few months ago, I reviewed Tim Grahl’s book, Your First 1000 Copies, which covers primarily the importance of having a mailing list and being relentlessly helpful to your potential readers.
Book Launch Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide to Launching a Bestseller focuses entirely on how to sell as many copies as possible, and even how to position yourself as a bestseller on Amazon. You learn how to get early reviews, leverage your own social media platform and those of your fans to get the word out about your book, and how to contact influencers in your field or genre who will in turn help spread the news about your book launch. The great thing about this is that, when done right, it creates a winning situation for everyone involved, from you to your readers. This book is an excellent addition to Tim Grahl’s body of work on book marketing.
I’d also like to encourage my readers to subscribe to Tim’s newsletter. He often posts helpful tips, and sometimes runs free seminars. I received Book Launch Blueprint for free before its publication for being a subscriber.
He encourages us, as writers, to provide enjoyable and helpful content to our readers by doing so himself. He recently ran a life training session called How to Get Influencers to Promote Your Book. Thousands of writers attended the seminar online, myself included. I found the step-by-step instructions quite helpful and will be implementing them soon in preparation for my next book launch.
Tim also runs a Book Lunch Blueprint course online. For those who can afford it, I have no doubt it is actually, but for many of us, it is cost prohibitive. If you can afford it, I simply suggest you look into it. If not, Book Launch Blueprint and Your First 1000 Copies are very helpful, and when Tim offers a free online seminar, by all means attend it.
I have so much going on in my life right now related to writing and steampunk, and I love it. There’s the upcoming Edwardian Ball in Hollywood, editing Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western, and becoming part of the Coffee House Writers Group in Orange County. Soon, expect two new interviews here in the blog one with Justin Katz of the band Rosen Covin and cofounder of the Edwardian Ball, and one with Charles Edward Mason II, a fan favorite from the GSN TV program Steampunk’d. I also plan to write about author Edward Gorey, the inspiration for the Edwardian Ball.

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I hope you enjoy this book review. I’ve asked you to do enough here, so subscribe, become a patron, or both, and thanks for reading.