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Bodacious & Sundry #18: New Podcast, New Bodacious Creed Cover


So much to share! This is turning out to be another busy month.

The LA Times Festival of Books

Today, my son and I attended the LA Times Festival of Books. A fellow author in my local writer’s group, Njedeh Anthony, had generously offered to share his booth with other writers in the group in one hour increments, and I got the 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm slot today.

There were dozens of booths at the packed event. Clark and I entered at one end and walked several blocks on the USC campus to get to where I had booth time at the other end. There were tons of people, musical entertainment, food carts, and of course tons of book vendors, including individual authors.

During that time, we got a lot of visitors to the booth. Since I haven’t published Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western yet, I brought six copies each of my first two fantasy novels, Children of Rhatlan and Tamshi’s Imp. Check out the links in the right sidebar! I sold two copies of each, not bad for being there for an hour.

Everyone I told about Bodacious Creed got excited about it, and I gave away lots of business cards. Hopefully next year I’ll be able to share Tony’s booth again and sell copies.

The Mostly Steampunk Podcast

Episode 6 of The Mostly Steampunk Podcast is up for your enjoyment! In it, I cover Tesla Cards Against the World, a steampunk version of Cards Against Humanity; the state of my steampunk glasses; lots of great artistic images I made using; new Bodacious Creed cover art, and more. Check it out, subscribe, and comment!


Novel Progress

I am now over half way through the second draft of Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western!

The half of the book I’m on now is already mostly consistent, so I don’t expect finishing the second draft to take long.

What’s next? I’m glad I asked for you. I have two readers ready to read it and to help with pacing and continuity. Next, I’ll go through the third edit with the goal of fixing any issues and polishing the prose. Then, it’ll go to a bunch of beta readers and get a final line edit, then I’ll publish it!

The Cover

Back when I ran the Kickstarter for Bodacious Creed, we hit the stretch goal for an interior image by Joshua J. Stewart, the illustrator who did the original concept art. With the book’s publication coming soon, I contacted Josh and asked him to get started on it. However, Josh offered to do the cover art for the same price! So, he’s now working on a full color cover. Check out the sketch here. I hope you’re getting as excited as I am about the publication date!

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