Bodacious & Sundry #23: My Steampunk Activities
Usually, these entries have two headings, Bodacious, then Sundry, but that’s when I have one big piece of news to share, then several smaller pieces. Today, they’re all relatively small (in terms of length, not importance). So, no specific headings today, just bullet points.
I haven’t posted a blog entry in nearly two weeks (a long time for me!) because I’ve been busy! There’s my day job, being a dad, and working on my upcoming novel, and other things here and there. Here’s some of what has happened, and what I have in the works.

Gerry Pugliese at the Food, Games, Mojo blog recently became interested in steampunk, so he reached out to me to ask about it. Read his write-up of the topic, Steampunk, a brief introduction.
I’ve asked more members of the Star Wars Steampunk Universe for interviews and all have agreed that they would like to be featured here, in The Mostly Steampunk Blog. So far, I’ve sent questions to one of them and will send out more soon, so you can start looking for those interviews here shortly.
I’ve started my outreach to newspapers and podcasts so I can start sharing the news about Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western, before it’s published. The advice on this comes from Tim Grahl’s marketing book, Book Launch Blueprint. One of the newspapers is the Santa Cruz Sentinel. I’m originally from Santa Cruz, California, and my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western, takes place in an alternate Santa Cruz in 1876, so the book should interest people in my home town.
My alpha readers are enjoying the second draft of Bodacious Creed and providing me with great comments! Also, one of them is a gunsmith and had an idea about how one of the guns in the novel would work. Once that diagram is done, it will become an extra for all my newsletter subscribers. Sign up now so you won't miss it!
A video game company working on a beautiful steampunk game has asked if I can help with their marketing. We’re still taking, but I may be doing some of their social media work and doing game play videos for The Mostly Steampunk Podcast!
I’ve passed 10,000 Twitter followers! If you’re not following me already, please do! I follow back profiles that seem like real people. I don’t follow back those selling Twitter or Instagram followers, erotic profiles, or those that post only trite quotes. I try to keep my own tweets interesting and helpful.
That sums it up! I hope everyone’s having a leisurely Memorial Day. What would you like me to cover in this blog? Comment below!