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Bodacious & Sundry #25: McCall's Introduces Steampunk "Notched" and Fantasy "


Cosplay by McCall's keeps coming out with new cosplay patterns to take your costumes up to the next level. If you're a designer yourself, you can use these to supplement your work, or, if love to sew patterns, you can use the various options with the patterns to make your perfect cosplay outfit.

For June, 2016, McCall's has added two new patterns to their Brand Collection, Notched and Intrepid.


Notched is the trench coat gentlemen have been looking for. It's perfect for that Victorian England steampunk cosplay you've been planning on with its wide collar, long lines, and front buttons. Do you have that David Tennant look? Could you pull off the 10th Doctor from Doctor Who? Then this is also the pattern for you.

It is designed to be a lined coat with a collar, darts, flaps, back vent, and more, made of twill, wool, leather, synthetic leather, or suede. So there are already a huge range of possibilities right there.

Personally, this is the sort of coat I've wanted for a long time, and now I have the possibility of having one made specifically for me, with my choice of color and details.

Check out the slideshow below to get a better understanding of Notched.


By popular demand, McCall's designed Intrepid, a fantasy costume with many possibilities. It looks like something straight out of Game of Thrones, possibly a travel outfit Daenerys Targaryan might wear. (The fact that the model here looks like the Mother of Dragons helps in imagining that!) It would be great for a sorceress, a traveler, or a number of other fantastic female characters.

Yes, I can also see this done with steampunk flare! It may look out of place in a strictly Victorian setting, but steampunk often incorporates elements of other genres. The World of Warcraft, for instance, has steam-based technology right alongside powerful magic, mages, and priests. Want to use this for a steampunk fantasy costume? Go for it! Add goggles, arm machinery, and a replica pistol. This is a beautiful outfit for Intrepid adventures across the realms.

The pattern includes top, pants, skirt, belt, and gauntlets, and McCall's has labeled it an easy pattern. It was designed with soft synthetic leather, linen, and twill in mind. As is always the case with patterns, the fabric colors and designs are up to you.

These images will give you a clearer idea of what to expect with Intrepid.

You can purchase these cosplay patterns and many more from the Cosplay by McCall's website.


I have had a crazy week! I won't go into details, because it's all about personal finances and other dull things, but I'm back! You probably didn't realize I was "gone," did you? I had intended to get this post up on Monday, June 13, though. I'm just glad things are settling down and that I could share this with you today.

This weekend, I plan to get a bunch done on my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western. I plan to publish it in November, so read up on it! Want a peek at what sort of world a steampunk zombie western takes place in? You can read the prequel story, The Obstructed Engine. Just

Y'all come back soon!

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