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Bodacious & Sundry #26: SteamWorld Dig Complete Play Through!


Boy do I have a lot to share today! Games, music, and some other stuff. You're going to think I'm trying to get you to buy a variety of products. I sort of am, even though I don't make money from any of them, because I like them and think you will, too. Honestly, I do think that Steam should have an affiliate program though.

First, I have three new videos up on my YouTube channel for The Mostly Steampunk Podcast. You see, I've started live-streaming on Twitch, and I did an entire play-through of the game SteamWorld Dig. This is the first game in a series. The second, SteamWorld Heist, is also out on Steam, and I'll be making play videos for it next.

If you think these are fun, please subscribe to The Mostly Steampunk Podcast and follow me on Twitch.

Yes, these videos are a bit long! If you like, go ahead and use YouTube's speed feature to watch them at up to twice as fast.

SteamWorld Dig, Game Play Video #1

Watch our hero, Rusty, go through about half the game, gaining new upgrades and becoming a more powerful automaton as he descends deep underground in search of whatever his uncle Joe had hidden.

SteamWorld Dig, Game Play Video #2

Rusty becomes a powerful automaton indeed and goes as far down into the Earth as possible, finding a lost world of ancient human technology!

SteamWorld Dig, Game Play Video 3, Final Boss: How to Defeat Voltbot!

Quintessential Steam Powered Giraffe Album Coming Soon

Steam Powered Giraffe: Quintessential

See what I did there? Quintessential is the name of the album. But is it the quintessential SPG album? Time will tell. I will say though that it promises to be great.

Quintessential is available for pre-order now, with a release date of September 1!

I bought my digital copy yesterday and am eager to get it. I have one physical signed album by Steam Powered Giraffe, Music From SteamWorld Heist, and the rest as digital downloads. Each digital album comes with a PDF file or two of the album booklet.

Yes, you read that right! Music From SteamWorld Heist, the next game I'll be streaming on Twitch and sharing on my YouTube channel. I found out about the SteamWorld games because of Steam Powered Giraffe. In fact, you'll find this terrific steampunk, wild west, robot band performing in various venues as you play the game. If you're already a fan, you'll hear familiar songs like Honeybee and Clockwork Vaudville, plus new songs written specifically for the game. The Stars is an especially catchy tune.


Sometimes, when I stop working on a project for a week or two, I suddenly get a new idea of how to make it better.

I've had a lot going on in my personal and work life, and, without really meaning to, put my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western aside for a couple of weeks. Yes, I know. I played video games and did other blog posts. That's just the change of pace I needed, and I wanted to make sure my viewers and readers had something fun to enjoy with me.

The upshot is that I finally got the climax of the novel figured out. The climax in the first draft is weak, and I've been aware of that since I finished it. I spent some time thinking about the villains and the heroes of the story, though, and came up with something awesome.

It was actually one small part of the last episode of Game of Thrones, season 6 episode 9, The Battle of the Bastards, that made it clear to me what the ending needed. It's something archetypal that is important in the sort of novel I'm writing. It will mean new changes in the third draft, but that's how rewriting goes. I'm so excited about this new development! So, tonight, back to editing!

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