B&S #32: Kimono and Lady Pirate Cosplay, Perfect for a Steampunk Upgrade

Tonight, I'm excited to share these two new Cosplay by McCall's patterns. Since this is a primarily steampunk blog, and since steampunk is my passion, I love coming up with ideas for how to 'punkify McCall's cosplay patterns. With these, it's almost too easy.
There were pirates during Victorian times, right? And the Japanese wore kimonos. So, these patterns already fit well into the general era. Add some steampunk technology to one of these costumes, come up with a character and back story, and you'll have one amazing cosplay.
Ladies, you are really lucky. There are so many great McCall's cosplay patterns just for you. Don't get me wrong. Their men's cosplay patterns are also amazing but it seems that women's costumes are just so full of possibility.
Obi: Gādo

At its most simple, steampunk is Victorian era science fiction. In a steampunk universe, advanced technology would cover the civilized world.
There are so many possibilities with steampunk in Asia, and that definitely includes Japan.
The Obi: Gādo kimono pattern is the perfect basis for a Japanese era cosplay, whether created as if used as everyday wear or ceremonial. Picture a pattern of gears on the trim. Add a steampunk pistol to your hip along with a katana (peace-bound, of course), hair pins that double as some sort of gadget (use your imagination!), and, naturally, a pair of goggles, and your cosplay will fit will in any steampunk world.
The pattern is rated as easy, so if you're a sewing newbie and you want to make one, or several, kimonos for cosplay, this is a great one to start with. It comes with helpful tips on creating your own couching and tassels. Couching uses embroidery to enhance patterns on fabric. The specific instructions for tassels will help you add extra flare to the outfit. Think of ways you could incorporate a steampunk look into the tassels themselves.
Obi: Gādo retails for $15.95 and is available exclusively on the Cosplay by McCall's website.
Bow & Brine

We now travel from Japan to the High Seas! Perhaps it's the Caribbean, or the Mediterranean. Take inspiration from women pirates of history and create your own daring cosplay character with Bow & Brine.
The pattern is for the blouse portion, and includes several variations. These include long, short, and cinched sleeves (as show in the image to the left). Bow & Brine is also rated as easy. Make the blouse, add accessories, and you're ready to go!
For a steampunk look, of course, you can always add goggles. How about making a belt like in the image (McCall's pattern Intrepid includes a pattern for one), or a corset (perhaps Shapeshifter or Laced), and attaching some steampunk inspired gadgets, like a compass or fancy pocket watch? Modify a toy pirate's pistol with some gears and put that at your hip. Add gloves with metal bands.
This pattern was designed by Seattle Cosplay for McCall's, and retails for $14.95.
Finally, if you create steampunk costumes from either of these (really, from any of the McCall's cosplay patterns I've reviewed), please let me know! Share in the comment section with a link to where readers can see what you've come up with!
I have several things to share, so don't stop reading yet!
My first newsletter drive/drawing was a success! Lots of people signed up, growing subscription to The Wild Steampunk Newsletter by more than twenty percent! At the end, I randomly drew five email addresses, and each of those people won a $10 Amazon gift card! (I'm still waiting to hear back from three of the winners so I can send the cards to the correct email addresses. If you are a subscriber already, check your email, including your spam, from last week, to see if that's you.)
I'm already looking into another way to run a drawing that will allow for people to earn extra entries for referring others. (Think of it as buying more raffle tickets, but for free.)
Bodacious Creed
I have a confession to make: I want Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western to be a huge success. Because of the mental stress, that has led me to edit more slowly than I'd like to, and the book will likely be out in January rather than November.
It could be worse.
Epiphanies are interesting. They come as a sudden insight, when you realize something big... that just about anyone could have told you if you had asked for feedback on a situation. In my case, that came as the realization that as I reach more readers, my books will sell better. That even if Bodacious Creed doesn't become an Amazon bestseller over night, that as I engage with new people, as new readers find me, and as I continue the series, the books will keep doing better and better.
As an author, one of my goals is that when I'm retirement age, I'll be able to do great for the rest of my life just writing and selling books. I believe I'm on that track now, and doing well.
So, with that in mind, I'm charging through the rest of the book like Creed galloping into battle on his steed, Johann. I have seven chapters to go in the second draft and my beta readers are loving the story!
After this draft, I'm going to read it straight through taking copious notes. Then, I'll go through and fix any lingering inconsistencies, polish the prose, and publish it! I'm so excited to get this story out to the world!
Your Daily Writing
A couple of months ago, I learned about a site called 750 Words. First, let me take you back thirty years to my senior year of high school.
At seventeen, I had already been writing fiction for several years, including short stories for my computer class publication in my junior year. I already knew I wanted to be a writer.
So, when I became a senior, I signed up for Creative Writing. Let me tell you something. I also took a creative writing class in college, but that class in high school was the best. Mr. Weir taught us all the basics of what it means to write good fiction. In the first semester, I wrote a science fiction novelette. In the second, I wrote a fantasy novella.
One of the most important things we learned, and put into practice every day, was freewriting. That's when you get out your pen and paper, or computer (or typewriter, in the day), and just write whatever comes to mind, without revision. Over time it trains you to not see the blank screen or page as intimidating, but as something to fill with thoughts.
That's basically what 750 Words is. The first month is free, and after that it's just $5.00 a month to be a member. You go there, type in your 750 words (or more, if you feel inclined), then go on with your day. I use it both as writing warm up and to get my thoughts down about goals, problems I need to solve, and so on.
Can't you just create a Word file and do the same? You can. The advantage of this site is that it encourages you by offering badges, and better, it gives you an analysis about what you wrote each day. This includes your mood, the topic you most wrote about, whether you are concerned about the past, present, or future, how quickly you typed, and a bunch more.
I enjoy seeing my trends, and freewriting daily makes all my writing more efficient.
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