Steampunk Novel Giveaway Winner Picked!

The contest to win a signed, limited edition hardcover copy of my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western, has concluded! So first, I want to thank everyone who entered, and I hope you're also enjoying your subscription to The Wild Steampunk Newsletter and the free stories you received.
I emailed the winner and now am just waiting to hear back. I'm hoping for permission to share this person's name, but if they want to remain anonymous, that's all right, too.
Still Editing

Alas, I'm still editing the novel! I want everyone to know, however, that it's coming along well. The early chapters are rough. In the last big edit, I made mostly minor changes to early chapters, but really started editing the prose and story about half way through. Because of that, going back through the first half of the book now, I'm working had to really polish the prose. I have certain standards for my prose that early drafts did not meet. That can happen though when a writer is simply focused on crafting a story and getting it down.
So, give me a month or two, and it will be done and published!
Meanwhile, I did let the winner know that once I receive their address, I'll send the paperback novels, Children of Rhatlan and Tamshi's Imp, that are also part of the winning package.
Plans for 2017
I have so much planned for this year!
I just noticed how few blog posts I've put up recently. It's been about one per month, which isn't my usual. Finances have been tight, and life has been busy. My workload at my day job also increased. Part of it, too, is that I need to keep my focus. I admit it.
Here are my plans for all my steampunk media going forward into 2017.
The Wild Steampunk Blog
That's where you are now! I plan to write two post per week. Getting the ideas isn't the issue. I have so many things to share! It's a matter of making the time. That means book and art reviews, interviews, cosplay pattern reviews, and all the other things that make this blog fun.
The Wild Steampunk YouTube Channel
Last year, I started my YouTube channel and The Wild Steampunk Podcast. (Originally The Mostly Steampunk Podcast.) I had big plans for it (and still do), but ran into one problem that has made producing it not worth it.
My computer is just too old. At this point, it's about 4 1/2 years old, and XSplit, my preferred podcasting software, demands resources this machine just doesn't have. In sort, it's time to upgrade.

Currently, I'm waiting for my tax return. When that comes, I plan to buy a brand new computer that should have no problem with XSplit or any other modern software. In fact, I already have one picked out. I keep checking my return online to get some idea of when that refund is coming.
When it does, and I have the new system set up, I'm going to start producing the podcast again, as well as my #WriteTip videos, to help other authors.
One Novel Per Year

For me, this is a bit of a lofty goal. However, it's worth shooting for. Once Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western is published, I plan to write a new book in the series every year until I feel the series is finished.
When I finished the current novel, it came to about 140,000 words. With editing, it's down to about 120,000, which is still a lengthy tale, considering that the average genre novel is around 80,000 words. I plan for the sequels to be between 80,000 and 100,000 words, which should make them easier to craft. It feels like every couple thousand words over 80,000, the difficulty of finishing goes up exponentially.
So, I hope you'll all enjoy Bodacious Creed once it's out, and that you'll be ready for the sequels!
Keep Informed
Want to know in advance when Bodacious Creed is about to hit Amazon? Interested in knowing when I run my next giveaway? Want some free stories, including a prequel to Bodacious Creed called The Obstructed Engine?
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