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Weekly Steampunk Update #1

This is just what it sounds like. From now on I plan to post a curated update about new happenings in the steampunk subculture every week! This will include things that I find the most interesting, and that I think you will, too. I’ll also include at the end what I’ve been working on as a steampunk author, blogger, and podcaster.

This week, I have three stories to share (besides my own news). The amount will vary per week.

First, the accompanying YouTube video. Now, I know the actual video is terrible. I purposefully washed it out with YouTube's tools because somehow I ended up with a frame rate of about one frame per minute. This is why I have to get a new computer and am waiting for my tax money to do so.

Retro Tea-Dunking Machine

We steampunks love our gadgets, even when said gadgets are superfluous. I mean, you can dunk your own tea. But how much more fun is it to have a machine do it for you? Alas, this cool machine isn’t for sale, but it’s fun to watch.

Steampunk Makeover

The U.K.’s Steam Museum in Swindon recently received a makeover for the upcoming Swindon STEAMpunk Spectacular, taking place from March 24 to 26. With music, art, and trade, this sounds like my kind of event! I can’t get to Swindon, but if you live in the area, check it out.

Brian Kesinger

I haven’t done an artist recommendation in a long time, so here’s one now. Check out the website of Brian Kesinger, Disney animator and steampunk. His gallery of Victorian steampunk will delight you, and you might consider buying a print.

Bath Time with Otto (c) 2017 Brian Kesinger

In Wild Steampunk News

The Wild Steampunk… that’s me!

In news for this week, I’m 50,000 words into the final draft of my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western, with just 65,000 words to go. The good news here is that the rest of the book is already relatively polished, so these final 65,000 words should go faster than the previous 50,000 for this draft. Then, I plan to read the book aloud, twice, to catch as many errors as possible before publishing it.

I was interviewed today by Christopher Marry Hultman for the Writers, Artists & Readers Guild. We talked about steampunk, writing, book publicity, and more. That interview should go live sometime next week, so keep an eye on this blog for the update.

You can also join my newsletter and get the update in your email box, and get some free short stories in the process. Just sign up below!

Finally, if you enjoy my content, consider becoming a Wild Steampunk patron!

As always, feel free to comment and share, and thanks for visiting.

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