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Weekly Steampunk Update #3

Here we are, at my third week of bringing you interesting bits of retro-futurism from around the Internet. This week, we have some recent events, robotics, game assets, and more.

Steampunk News

After Hours Steampunk Event

The Nebraska History Museum in Lincoln, Nebraska, recently had a Steampunk After Hours event, with 1800s inspired food, attendees in Victorian-era garb, steampunk decorations, and various inventions. Many of those invited had never heard of steampunk before, but began to research it before the actual event. If you live in the area and wish you could have attended, let the museum know you’d like them to repeat the event.

Swindon Steam Museum Event Update

Swindon in Greater Manchester, England, recently had their festival, the Swindon STEAMpunk Spectacular, at the Steam Museum. (I mentioned that the event was on its way back in Weekly Steampunk Update #1.) As with most steampunk gatherings, most dressed in Victorian costumes, and the event included a cabaret, music, art, sales stands, and much more. Yet another museum to contact if you’d like to attend its next steampunk event.

What’s All the Hullabaloo?

Heard of Hullabaloo? This steampunk-themed animated movie, created by Disney animators, has been in the works for a while and looks to be coming along well. Check out the website for images, animations, and news.


High School Robotics Competition

Wisconsin recently held the Wisconsin Regional Robotics Competition with sixty high schools competing. Where will these young people take robotics in the future? And yes, some of the robots had a steampunk theme.

Steampunk Sprites

This, I just thought looked cool. If you’re a game developer looking for some 2D sprites for Unity, these Steampunk Game Sprites might be just right for you. It has robots, heroes, and more. If you’re a non-game-developing moral, like me, these are still fun to look at.

Steampunk Playing Cards

I have a set of steampunk playing cards, but I wish I had bought these instead. This Steampunk Bandits White Big Box Sized Playing Cards Deck. It’s got skulls, it’s got gears, and it looks like designs on many of the faces, not just the back of the cards. These could be great for your next game of Poker or Faro.

The Wild Steampunk

Bodacious Creed

I want you all to know that the final draft of Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western is coming along great. I'm half-way through and the editing is going much faster now. I'll have it out as soon as I can. Meanwhile, you can still read the prequel short story for free by signing up below.

Future Videos

I'm still waiting for my tax return. To make a long story short, I forgot to include certain paperwork when first filing. When I finally found out and sent the addendum in, some fool at the IRS didn't bother to check my file. How do I know this? If they did, they would have seen that everything else they needed had been electronically filed for two months. Instead, they sent me the paperwork back and asked me to send it in, again, with the stuff I filed on January 27.

The upshot is I'm still waiting for my refund so I can get a new computer capable of making good YouTube videos, in which I'll cover more steampunk, I'll make videos to help other writers, and more.

If you like my content, consider supporting me on Patreon.

See you all soon!

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