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Weekly Steampunk Update #5

Welcome to the Ignore Weekly Steampunk Update. Yes, I did take my time getting this one out, but here it is with a bunch of stories to keep you entertained. I'll also cover some happy news on my end and updates about my upcoming steampunk zombie western novel.

The Stories

Tales of a Broken Reality

First, let me draw your attention to Tales of a Broken Reality Fragments: Blood in the Circus International Special Steampunk Web Series. My friend and fellow steampunk Bonsart Bokel is involved with this series, partly inspired by L. Frank Baum's Oz books. This is part of the larger Tales of a Broken Reality web series, also on YouTube, and created by R.A.G.-T.A.G. 113th.


Like steampunk? (Of course you do. You're here, aren't you?) Like fantasy/medieval stories? Like strategy games? I like all those things, too, and that's why the medieval steampunk tactics game, Acaratus, by Sweden's Nodbrim Interactive looks so fun to me. With customizable armor, multi- and single-player modes, and card decks, it sounds quite promising. It's due to launch on Steam on May 25.

Viktor, a Steampunk Adventure

For fans of steampunk games, Steam is adventure central, and perhaps that should be no surprise. I mean, Steam. C'mon. Here's an intriguing game for you: Viktor is a 2D, hand-drawn cartoon game that recounts the tale of an anthropomorphic wild boar and his quest to become emperor. So, we have steampunk, humanoid animals, puzzles, mini-games, historical figures (as animals), a collectible soundtrack, and more. Sounds like great fun to me!

Wild West Steam Fest

This amazing event is practically in my back yard! Seriously, it's less than ten miles away, but alas, this year, my son and I couldn't afford to attend. What I can tell you is that it featured the band Deus Ex Vapore Machina (DEVM) several times during the day, with Steam Powered Giraffe headlining in the evening. It took place at the historic Heritage Museum of Orange County, which has a wonderful Wild West look and feel. The picture is of D.A.G.O.N., the event's attending automaton.

Coldwater Steampunk Festival

Coming up on August 12 to Coldwater in Ontario, Canada, is the Coldwater Steampunk Festival. You have to love this bit: it's free to attend! Among other events, this year, Professor Wick and assistant Lady Beconcall will perform feats of magic. If I could travel more, this is one I'd definitely want to attend. If you live nearby, mark your calendar and head over, preferably in your best steampunk cosplay.

Action Figure Lamp

Here's a project that I've been wanting to do for awhile, and now that I have a new desk for my lamp, I just might. The amazing thing is how great these look. If course, I want to make one with a steampunk theme, if I can manage it. Of course, I'm taking about action figure lamps. You may have seen these shared on social media.

Take a simple houselamp (my new one coast $19.95 at Target). Gather up old action figures from around the house, toys you no longer use, and superglue them to the base of the lamp. Once the glue is dry and you have an arrangement you like, spraypaint the toys and the base with your favorite color. Gold looks amazing.

This video will show you how.

Wild Steampunk News

Here's the brief update covering what I've been up to.

New Computer

My tax refund finally came! Because of that, I was finally able to purchase a new computer, and this one seems to have no problem at all running XSplit Broadcaster. That means I'll be able to start making new YouTube videos again soon, including my #WriteTip videos giving tips for writers of all levels, and The Wild Steampunk Podcast. I've got a pretty bad cold this week, but I'm going to get everything in order and start on those new videos soon, so check out the channel and subscribe!


I'm more than half way through the final draft of Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western, so you can expect that to be available in trade paperback and for Kindle in the next few months. I'm so eager to get it done, I can't even tell you. I'm sure you'll all love the adventure. Once it's out, I plan to write at least a few Creedverse short stories, which will be available to my newsletter subscribers.

Want those, plus the existing Bodacious Creed prequel? Sign up below!

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