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June, 2017 McCall's Patterns: Eventide, Red Reign, and Cloak: Phantasy

This Month's Patterns

Why the belated post? I mean, the last one was from May 8. Well, I've been working hard editing my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western. It's almost done! The current draft is about 115,000 words long, and I'm 101,000 into that. Not much more to go, and it will be published soon!

I think that's worth delaying a bit on blog posts, and I think you'll all love it. You can read a prequel story to the novel by signing up below this post.

New June Cosplay Patterns

This month, I have six new Cosplay by McCall's patterns to review. I'm doing three here, and will do the other three in the next post. Eventide

Eventide is the sort of coat you may expect to see on a fantasy noble or sorceress, frilly, fancy, and regal. There are two back drape variations, and two sleeve variations, including one with long drapes.

With the right detailing, you could easily give this a steampunk flare. The tips section on the inside sleeve explains how to add jewelry embellishments and couching with a chain. Do you have any old steampunk jewelry you'd like to repurpose? Any interesting gears? Any mechanical animal pendants? Use those for the embellishments.

This pattern is for intermediate level costumers. Suggested fabrics include damask, silk dupioni, velvet, and satin. I'm amazed at the price, honestly. The pattern for this gorgeously complex jacket is just $14.95.

Red Reign

With this cosplay, Ichigo Black comes through with another detailed ensemble, where the Red Queen from Wonderland meets sexy. Red Reign comes with patterns for the jacket, corset, skirt, and hoop. Pleats, lacing, boning, and webbing come together to make a cosplay that will turn heads.

With its Wonderland look, Red Reign is a great match for steampunk. Add a crown with steampunk designs, a pair of brass goggles, or whatever turn of the 19th century machinery you can imagine. How about a compact jetpack, or an extendable telescope at your hip?

The skill level for this pattern is intermediate. Some of the materials you'll want are synthetic suede, brocade, silk, and moderate stretch lace. Red Reign retails for $16.95.

Cloak: Phantasy

There are capes, and then there's Cloak: Phantasy. With this pattern, you can create two types of capes. The first is a short cloak with fancy drapery and pleating, the second, a long cape with a chest harness. To me, the first looks more regal or ceremonial, the second, what one might expect to see on an adventurer. Are you thinking fantasy with steampunk elements yet? Add Victorian-inspired jewelry or trip, a belt with various gadgets and a replica nineteenth century pistol, goggles or manacle, and a pocket watch.

Suggested fabrics include silk, rayon, poly blend, and synthetic leather. See the website for more. Cloak: Phantasy ios rated intermediate in skill level and retails for just $14.95.

The Wild Steampunk News New Write Tip Video

I love wikis, from Wikipedia, the grandfather of them all, to individual wikis dedicated to my favorite shows and books. Did you ever think about using a wiki for something else? In my latest WriteTip video on YouTube, I talk about how I created my own wiki to keep track of characters, locations, events, and more in my fiction. Want to try this for your own writing? Watch the video here.

Also, subscribe to my channel, The Wild Steampunk, on YouTube.

Finishing Bodacious Creed

I do hope to write blog posts and create videos with greater frequency. The problem? Like the rest of you, I have a busy life. This is by no means a complaint, just a statement of fact. It includes a full time job and being a single dad. Also, I've been working hard--really hard--on finishing Bodacious Creed. I have just about 13,000 words left to edit!

What's funny is that as I've been getting through this final draft, some sections are written pretty much to my standards already and don't need much editing, while others need heavy editing. So, one chapter will go quickly, the next, not so much. Anyway, with all the focus on the book, I've neglected my other media. I'm at the point where I just want to get it done, and there's an end in site.

So, look for Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western, in the next month or two! Watch this space. Better yet, subscribe to my newsletter below. Intrigued with the title? You'll get to read a prequel story to the novel within minutes of signing up. Subscribe below!

And I'll see you soon.

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