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Preparing for Novel Launch

Bodacious Creed Cover

I began writing my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed: A Steampunk Zombie Western, nearly four years ago, and I'm so happy to say that it's finally coming soon. SO soon!

I won't go into the history of the book, but will start with the present. The final major draft is finished. I'm now reading aloud, from cover to cover, and making final tweaks. Mostly, that means making sure the grammar is solid and that all details are consistent. As I read, I'm taking notes in a physical notebook, so that I can easily refer back to specifics later in the book.

This is a fun phase for me. I get to read the book mostly as a new reader would. I get to take in the story that I spent years crafting. Today, I read the first tenth of the book, so this won't take long to finish.

Launch Day

Anna Lynn Boyd

Mark your calendars for August 18! That's the day I plan to release this novel to the world! It will be available in paperback and for Kindle.

I'm also giving away one limited edition hardcover copy of the book! How limited? Well, you may recall that this started as a Kickstarter project. Some of the backers pledged enough to get hardcover copies. When I ran a GoFundMe to help get my son and me outfits for The Edwardian Ball, an event I was invited to cover but couldn't afford, a couple of people who contributed to help us there earned hardcover editions. I've done one giveaway so far, and the winner of that is getting a hardcover copy when the book comes out. The winner of the new giveaway will also get one.

All told, we're talking about twelve or fewer hardcover copies.


Yes, I'm also planning on taking pre-orders!

There's a process to this, so I can't say exactly when pre-order will be available. Amazon does have a way for me to sell both the paperback and Kindle editions this way. I plan to sell the paperback for $13.95 or maybe $14.95. Keep in mind that the book is long. Most paperback novels are around 80,000 words, and this one is 117,000. That should be about 500 pages.

I may sell the Kindle edition at a discount for preorders. I'm still learning how to do all this, so bear with me! But I'll share here on the blog, and in my newsletter, when they're available.

Oh yes! The best way to sign up for the newsletter right now? By entering the giveaway!

That's all for now. Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, feel free to email me via my contact page.

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