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Bodacious Research

I’ve meant to write a new blog post for the last week, and I keep getting busy. I’m currently looking for a day job, have been doing some work on my apartment, and have had a couple of small freelance jobs that are just helping me to squeak by financially. You may have noticed the “donate” button at the bottom of the page. If you have a few bucks to spare and like this blog, consider sending me a few bucks. The button is set for $3.00, but I think you can raise that or lower that when you take it to PayPal. I’m not 100% sure of that though, as I haven’t given it a try.

On the Bodacious Creed writing front, well, I’ve been writing! Despite everything I have to do in my “real” life, I love this story and want to get that first draft finished so I can revise, revise, and revise some more, and put out the novel that you are all waiting for.

To that end, I’ve been brushing up on my knowledge of the old west. Do you know how much you can learn on YouTube? It’s the classroom of the future. Or, er, the present. Aren’t we living in the future, anyway? One series I’ve been watching is The Real Wild West. Here’s Episode 1: General George Custer. Bodacious Creed takes place in 1876. I hadn’t really studied the Wild West in a long time, so it was, well, wild being reminded of how much happened that year in history. Though the events don’t tie directly into Bodacious Creed, they will have some influence on the public attitudes in the novel.

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