Radio Retrofuture - Steampunk on YouTube
Radio Retrufuture is a YouTube channel run by one of my friends in the steampunk community, Bonsart Bokel. Bonsart is a talented crafter,...

Bodacious & Sundry #27: SteamWorld Heist & a Steampunk Story
Bodacious Howdy, and welcome back! Have a seat and a cup of coffee or tea, because you get to enjoy some of my new videos. These are all...

Bodacious & Sundry #5: VFC, NaNoWriMo, Halloween, & More!
The Mad Month of Movember Here comes a busy month! Here are two big events worth sharing. The first, the one I encourage everyone to...

Bodacious & Sundry #1
Bodacious & Sundry #1 Welcome folks to the first in a new series! I’ve written a lot of blog entries about Bodacious Creed, which started...

Game of Thrones Theories and a Writing Exercise
Learning from Fan Theories As writers, I think we often have a clear idea of how our own novels are going to end. If we’ve done our job...

Game of Thrones Western cover
Western Cover Since the fifth season of Game of Thrones started two weeks ago, I’ve started watching a lot of related videos on YouTube....

Bodacious Research
Bodacious Creed Notes I’ve meant to write a new blog post for the last week, and I keep getting busy. I’m currently looking for a day...