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Radio Retrofuture - Steampunk on YouTube

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Radio Retrufuture is a YouTube channel run by one of my friends in the steampunk community, Bonsart Bokel. Bonsart is a talented crafter, video maker, and has a stunning level of knowledge about steampunk.

Bonsart has featured me on his channel, and I've featured him on mine. Radio Retrofuture recently reached 1,000 subscribers. To help celebrate, I'm sharing it with you.

The channel has many video categories and playlists. I'm going to focus on four here, but I encourage you to check out his channel to see what else you'll discover.

Let's start with the Steampunk Beginner's Guide video series, where topics have included Steampunk and Anachronism, Costumes and Characters, and What is Steampunk Music?

People new to our subculture will find them all helpful, especially, perhaps, the Costumes and Characters video, which covers how to come up with your own cosplay character and how to create your costume.

Next, there's Steampunkish!, a series about various steampunk games. Bonsart (and his alter-ego, Dankaert Lexicon, presents various types of steampunk-related, or steampunkish, games you may enjoy. His reviews are honest, covering the good and bad aspects of each game, a bit of its history, and why it saw success, or not. Some of those include Iron Group Warlords, a retro third-person shooter from the early 2000s, Leviathan, a strategy, miniatures board game, and They are Billions!, a real-time strategy (RTG) fantasy steampunkish wargame, with zombies.

The video game series Fallout allows you to play related radio broadcasts in-game. So, Bonsart created a series of videos called Steampunk Music for Fallout. With a plugin, linked at the bottom of each related video, you can have the audio of those videos going while you play.

This series features some excellent steampunkish music. Why do I say steampunkish? Well, there's no one steampunk genre of music. Bands have taken a variety of styles and added what they consider steampunk elements to them, be that certain instruments, mechanical sounds, or lyrics about airships and automatons. Listen while you play Fallout, or just put it on in the background while you work.

Finally, Bonsart interviews many people in the steampunk community, including me! You can see that interview right here, or check out his channel for many others. (I know, this smacks of self-promotion, but do check out the others!)

Bonsart has done some great work for the steampunk community, and I hope you enjoy it. I know I do.

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