Bodacious & Sundry #1
Bodacious & Sundry #1

Welcome folks to the first in a new series! I’ve written a lot of blog entries about Bodacious Creed, which started as my 3D modeling master’s thesis at Academy of Art University and eventually became the basis for a novel. In fact, the blog you’re reading now is a continuation of my thesis blog, which has morphed into a more general steampunk blog featuring my own work. (You can read the original blog under the old blog link.)
The new Bodacious & Sundry column is here for my Creed-specific posts and to talk about various small things I’ve been working on or want to share.
Bodacious Creed News
I’ve passed the 80,000 word mark! Honestly, that’s longer than any other book I’ve written, and I’m I think just over half way through this novel. Children of Rhatlan is about 77,000 words, and Tamshi’s Imp, about 67,000. Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western is a big story!
By the way, the word count is always over in the right side bar toward the bottom, if you ever feel like checking up on me. Also, if you enjoy this blog, you might like the two novels I just mentioned! They're available via the right side bar links.
Upcoming Interview News
I’m all set to interview two contestants from Steampunk’d on GSN TV! No, I’m not revealing who they are in this blog post, but if you subscribe to the newsletter between now and when I put up the first interview, I’ll make sure you get the email in which I announced it to subscribers.
Anyway, the first interviewee for my Steampunk Maker Spotlight feature contacted GSN TV to get the questions approved. They gave the greenlight, so I expect to get the first round of interview answers soon. I’m pretty damned excited about it. Meanwhile, I’m slowly putting together a list of questions for the next maker to be interviewed. They’re such cool and creative people and I look forward to sharing the interviews with all of you.
My New YouTube Channel
I’ve started a new YouTube channel to supplement my blog! It has the same title as my website, Jonathan Fesmire, Steampunk Author. A consistent brand is important. It took me awhile to get that, but now I try to stick to my personal brand as much as possible.
As of right now, I don’t have any videos up. I know, lame! But hey, I just created it. Click over to the Jonathan Fesmire, Steampunk Author channel and subscribe! It will enhance your awesomeness.
I have some ideas, and what I create for that channel will depend a lot on time constraints. For instance, I’d like to do a weekly or bi-weekly podcast. I may also create videos to accompany certain blog posts. It’s a bit up in the air at this point, though the brain gears are turning.
Yes, I do have two other channels on YouTube, why do you ask? Oh, right, why not just use those? Again, branding. Also, those channels don’t have a lot of subscribers, so I feel pretty comfortable starting from scratch. If you’d like to take a look at those, here they are.
Bodacious Creed – I started this one in grad school as a companion to my thesis blog. This was back when Bodacious Creed was the theme of my 3D modeling thesis, and when I came up with the concept and characters. It’s full of talk about the project and 3D art tutorials.
Jonny’s Creature Shop – This one has some pretty cool digital sculptures I did in Zbrush. While I’m not adding to the channel, if you enjoy watching time-lapsed art creation, check it out!
I know, it might seem a bit weird right now branding myself as Jonathan Fesmire, Steampunk Author, when I don’t have any steampunk fiction made pubic yet. That will change, and sooner than you think! Yes, I plan to publish Bodacious Creed around December next year, 2016. Before that, though, I plan to write at least a couple of stories for everyone to enjoy.
Which brings us to…
Bodacious Voting & the Newsletter

The results of my first poll are in! A month ago, I asked visitors to vote for which mailing list extra they would like to see more, and here are the results.
1st Place – Creedverse Short Stories
2nd Place – Robots of the Creedverse
3rd Place – Guns of the Creedverse
4th Place – Bodacious Creed Deleted Scenes
So thank you, everyone who voted! Now I know which to work on first.
As each of these comes out, they will become bonus material for mailing list members! Everyone who is signed up for the mailing list as each comes out, and anyone who signs up after they come out, will get these perks.
Eventually, I plan on publishing them for Kindle, and may retire them from the mailing list, but that’s a ways off. However, new extras will always go to the mailing list first before I compile them for Kindle publication.
Sign up below!
Also feel free to say hello or comment on this blog in the comments section below.