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Bodacious & Sundry #27: SteamWorld Heist & a Steampunk Story


Howdy, and welcome back! Have a seat and a cup of coffee or tea, because you get to enjoy some of my new videos.

These are all on my YouTube channel, The Mostly Steampunk Podcast with Jonathan Fesmire. I haven't done a new full podcast for a while because I've been so busy with other activities, but more on that after you get to check these videos out.

The Obstructed Engine: Steampunk Western Story

I've been working hard on my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western. My first readers have had a lot of good things to say about it, so I'm sure you'll love it once it's out in November. Meanwhile, you can read a prequel story to the novel for free, called The Obstructed Engine. It has a young brothel madam with secrets, automatons, cowboys, and matters of life and death. There's also a cat. People on the Internet love cats.

In this video, I read you the first half of that tale. Follow the instructions here to read the rest.

SteamWorld Heist Game Play Video 1

SteamWorld Heist is a great adventure and strategy game in which you play a team of automatons (robots, in the modern vernacular) on a quest to rid space of various dark forces by steeling things from space ships! It's the follow-up to SteamWorld Dig, which I also created videos for recently. (See the previous blog entry for those videos.) This fun game is available for $20 on Steam. There's also an expansion, which brings in a great character called Fen, which I recommend as well.

Here's my first game play video for SteamWorld Heist, with more to come soon!

Game of Thrones: Jon Snow's Birth Name

Do you like Game of Thrones? I love both the book series, A Song of Ice and Fire, and the show, and while Season 6 had it's high and low points, the high points were so high that I think it may have been the best season yet.

I've made several Game of Thrones related videos recently because I just love the intricacies of the story, the complex characters, and so much more about it, and it's a lot of fun discussing various theories.

Oh yeah, if you're not caught up with the show, remember that this video does contain spoilers!


What has been keeping me so busy? I know, it seems like I'm always busy, and I am. If life itself isn't throwing something at me, I'm looking for something to do. I plan to move to a new apartment soon, have been busy powering through the second draft of Bodacious Creed, working my day job, and spending time with my son, who's off school for summer. Since it's hot here in So Cal, we've been going swimming often. What a great energy boost! Anyway, if you enjoy these videos, click over to The Mostly Steampunk Podcast with Jonathan Fesmire channel and subscribe! Enjoy the first half of that story? Read the rest!

See ya soon!

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