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The Mostly Steampunk Podcast: Episode 1

Episode 1 Is Live!

Though my son and I recorded and uploaded the first episode of The Mostly Steampunk Podcast a couple of days ago, I had recently told everyone about getting interviewed by Steve DeWinter, and I thought it best to save this announcement. Now that two days have gone by, I’m sharing. My son, Clark, and I had a fun time recording this and I think you’ll enjoy it.

This first episode is short, and rough. I’m learning the podcasting ropes. Mostly, I wanted to share with everyone what to expect from the podcast. It will have the same type of content as The Mostly Steampunk Blog, though of course the interviews will be live. I also hope to have people in the steampunk community on just to discuss various things of interest to all of us, and maybe share some art, cosplay, and more in the process.

Please head over to the YouTube page as well to like and subscribe!

Bodacious Creed Progress

When you finish reading this, scroll down the page to the bottom of the sidebar. You’ll find the Bodacious Creed Word Count Meter, which, as of today, reads 108,267! I still think the first draft will be about 140,000 words, and it’s nearly there! Using NaNoWriMo to give me the push to get this book done is really working, and I’m having a great time! I’m eager for the day when I can announce that I’ve put the words “The End” on the final page of the manuscript.

If you’d like to read the first prequel short story to Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western, then subscribe to the newsletter below! You’ll also get other extras as I create them, including more Creedverse short stories. Currently, you get The Obstructed Engine right after you subscribe and my short fantasy collection, Legends of Years Gone By, three days later.

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