Bodacious & Sundry #17: DeepArt Turns Photos into Masterpieces
Bodacious For the last week, I’ve been having fun turning some of my photos into pieces of art with the site DeepArt.io. I’ve mostly...

Interview with Justin Katz of The Edwardian Ball
Recently, it was my honor to interview Justin Katz of the band Rosin Coven, and co-founder of The Edwardian Ball, a glorious one-night...

Bodacious & Sundry #9: The Mostly Steampunk Podcast Episode 2
Bodacious My son and I recorded the second episode of The Mostly Steampunk Podcast last night! You’ll see that it’s still rough around...

Bodacious & Sundry #8: First Draft Completed!
Bodacious I finished the first draft of Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western last night. It came in just short of my 140,000 word...

The Mostly Steampunk Podcast: Episode 1
Episode 1 Is Live! Though my son and I recorded and uploaded the first episode of The Mostly Steampunk Podcast a couple of days ago, I...