Bodacious & Sundry #20: New McCall’s Steampunk Corset Patterns
Bodacious The Cosplay by McCall’s Brand Collection continues to expand! This is my fourth post on McCall’s cosplay patterns site, and my...

Bodacious & Sundry #16: The McCall’s Brand Collection
Bodacious Welcome steampunks and cosplayers! This is my third blog post about the Cosplay by McCall’s website. First, I shared the news...

McCall's Steampunk Cosplay Update
Christmas First, I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas! (No worries, we'll get to McCall's in just a few paragraphs!) Everyone who...

McCall's Does Steampunk Cosplay
When I Can Cosplay Again I don’t usually cosplay, though if I had the money to attend conventions again and to put together costumes for...