B&S #31: Review of Writing Vivid Settings by Rayne Hall
Bodacious Many fiction writers can tell you that for years, there has been a major hindrance to getting better. Nearly all books on...

Bodacious & Sundry #26: SteamWorld Dig Complete Play Through!
Bodacious Boy do I have a lot to share today! Games, music, and some other stuff. You're going to think I'm trying to get you to buy a...

Steampunk Writer Spotlight: An Interview with Rayne Hall
If you haven't heard of Rayne Hall, she's kind of a big deal in the writing community. She has published dozens of books, has mastered...

Bodacious & Sundry #11: Review of “Getting Book Reviews” by Rayne Hall
Bodacious I read this book several weeks ago after finishing Rayne Hall’s excellent Twitter for Writers, which I have also reviewed in...

Bodacious & Sundry #10: My Mostly Steampunk Year
I’m looking back at 2015 and thinking both that it went quickly and that it seemed to last forever. I came a long way this last year in...

Bodacious & Sundry #8: First Draft Completed!
Bodacious I finished the first draft of Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western last night. It came in just short of my 140,000 word...

Bodacious & Sundry #7: Review of "Twitter for Writers" by Rayne Hall
I recently finished reading Twitter for Writers: The Author’s Guide to Tweeting for Success by Rayne Hall. Rayne is a speculative fiction...

The Mostly Steampunk Podcast: Episode 1
Episode 1 Is Live! Though my son and I recorded and uploaded the first episode of The Mostly Steampunk Podcast a couple of days ago, I...

Bodacious Writing and Thoughts
It’s a Glorious Writing Day! Yes, I’m working hard on Bodacious Creed today. So why am I here blogging? I’ll let you in on my writing...

Air Pirates in a Steampunk World
(Jonathan's Note: Please welcome our first guest blogger, author Jaq D Hawkins! Jaq's first steampunk novel, The Wake of the Dragon, is...