The Best Book Marketing Guide
On Modern Publishing I’ve known for a long time that whether a writer self publishes his books or get published through a large and...

Bodacious Creed Writing Weekend
I almost titled this post Writing Weekend but I realized that wouldn’t really be news. I write all week. My day job is copywriting. Every...

10 Steps for a Free Book Promotion
I originally posted this entry on March 30 on Blogger, but have since moved my blog here, to my site. I'm in the process of copying over...

Game of Thrones Theories and a Writing Exercise
Learning from Fan Theories As writers, I think we often have a clear idea of how our own novels are going to end. If we’ve done our job...

Bodacious Research
Bodacious Creed Notes I’ve meant to write a new blog post for the last week, and I keep getting busy. I’m currently looking for a day...

Novel Writing: Plow Through or Plan Ahead?
Schools of Thought I’ve noticed two major schools of thought in novel writing. The first is having a basic plan for a story and plowing...

The Dark Tower: Live Action at Last!
Please, entertainment powers-that-be, please don’t blow it this time! Many Stephen King fans have been waiting for this to become a...

Writers, Mix It Up!
Creativity is funny, in that it gets influenced by everything. We writers and artists of all types get ideas and draw new connections...