Bodacious & Sundry #10: My Mostly Steampunk Year
I’m looking back at 2015 and thinking both that it went quickly and that it seemed to last forever. I came a long way this last year in...

Bodacious & Sundry #8: First Draft Completed!
Bodacious I finished the first draft of Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western last night. It came in just short of my 140,000 word...

The Mostly Steampunk Podcast: Episode 1
Episode 1 Is Live! Though my son and I recorded and uploaded the first episode of The Mostly Steampunk Podcast a couple of days ago, I...
A Bodacious Steampunk Day: Steve DeWinter Interviews Me!
This has been a fantastic day! I was interviewed by bestselling Amazon author Steve DeWinter for his Old Dog New Trx podcast, I went out...

Bodacious & Sundry #5: VFC, NaNoWriMo, Halloween, & More!
The Mad Month of Movember Here comes a busy month! Here are two big events worth sharing. The first, the one I encourage everyone to...

Bodacious & Sundry #4: Virtual FantasyCon Panels
Virtual FantasyCon Panels Yesterday we recorded the two panels I’m on, Cogs & Wheels and The Future of Publishing. They were a lot of fun...

Bodacious & Sundry #3: First Creedverse Steampunk Story & Virtual FantasyCon
The First Creedverse Short Story I’ve just about finished the first short story related to Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western!...

Bodacious & Sundry #2
Howdy, friends. I have some great things to share with this post, so let’s get to it! The Creedverse Expands I’m currently revising my...

Steampunk Cosplay Spotlight: an Interview with Ariel Amelia Dixon
Introducing Ariel Amelia Dixon Like many cosplayers, Ariel Amelia Dixon has her on Facebook fan page, which I discovered via a steampunk...

Survey for Steampunks & Other Readers
I’ve been thinking a lot about my upcoming novel, Bodacious Creed. If you read this blog you know it’s a steampunk zombie western. The...