B&S #31: Review of Writing Vivid Settings by Rayne Hall
Bodacious Many fiction writers can tell you that for years, there has been a major hindrance to getting better. Nearly all books on...

B&S #30: New McCall's Cosplay patterns! "Renegade" & "Sentinel"
Bodacious There are two new Cosplay by McCall’s patterns out, Renegade and Sentinel! As usual, I’ll review them and give suggestions for...

B&S #29: New McCall's Cosplay patterns! "Spectral," "Valor," & "
Bodacious The July, 2016 patterns in Brand collection on the Cosplay by McCall's website are live, and just might meet your eclectic...

Re-branded! Welcome to The Wild Steampunk Blog!
Yes, Re-branded! Howdy friends! There's been a change, the snap of a whip cutting the air! The Mostly Steampuk Blog is but as memory! ...

B&S #28: How To Run a Bodacious Kickstarter & SteamWorld Heist Vid 2
Bodacious Run a Successful Kickstarter Three years ago, I ran a Kickstarter for my novel, Bodacious Creed: a Steampunk Zombie Western,...

Bodacious & Sundry #27: SteamWorld Heist & a Steampunk Story
Bodacious Howdy, and welcome back! Have a seat and a cup of coffee or tea, because you get to enjoy some of my new videos. These are all...

Bodacious & Sundry #26: SteamWorld Dig Complete Play Through!
Bodacious Boy do I have a lot to share today! Games, music, and some other stuff. You're going to think I'm trying to get you to buy a...

Bodacious & Sundry #25: McCall's Introduces Steampunk "Notched" and Fantasy "
Bodacious Cosplay by McCall's keeps coming out with new cosplay patterns to take your costumes up to the next level. If you're a designer...

Bodacious & Sundry #24: ClockWork, a Steampunk Puzzle Game
Bodacious Yesterday I posted my first game play video! I've been planning on doing this for a while now, and even have regular game...

Steampunk Cosplay Spotlight: An Interview with Poppy Appleton, AKA Ahsoka Giya
Introducting Ahsoka Giya Poppy Appleton portrays a steampunk version of Ahsoka Tano for the Star Wars Steampunk Universe (SWSU) cosplay...